Prioritize Proactive Maintenance and Save
For every $1 not spent performing proactive maintenance now, a property owner will spend up to $4 in early equipment failures, downtime, loss of property value, etc. This figure can be significantly higher depending on property use type and productivity losses. Whether you are a Service Provider or Property Owner/Manager, let CARES help you easily coordinate and track ProMainteance schedules.
- Transparent Transactions
- Task Scheduling
- Connecting local professionals and property owners
What we offer
A property asset and customer relationship management app that provides the basic tools for transparent project management between property owners and the professionals that maintain and improve developed properties.
Find increasing options for high-performance, deep property retrofits
The CARES Team aims to assist Service Providers and Property Owners by providing the necessary information, tools, and resources for implementing high-performance transformative deep retrofits. These upgrades boost property value, productivity, and enjoyment while cutting costs through efficiency and enhancing the overall resiliency and sustainability of the properties and service provider businesses.
Manage property and project documentation all in one place
CARES, or the “Customer Asset Resource Enabling System,” serves as a comprehensive tool for managing property to benefit end users. It emphasizes the importance of good information by acting as a repository for property details, including a historical record of maintenance and improvements.
Build connections between local Service Providers and Property Owners
CARES hosts a growing marketplace for service providers and, eventually, products as well. It serves as a customer relationship management and communication tool, enabling property owners to discover qualified service providers and for service providers to find excellent customers. The App includes messaging and facilitates updates to property information as projects and maintenance progress.
Track and complete ProMaintenance Tasks, Contracts, and Project Expenses
A basic need to ensure quality outcomes from simple repairs through complex projects is transparency. Upload property information, drawings, contracts, pricing, tasks and scheduling so that core project tracking principals are available to all parties.
Get In Touch
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Get in touch with us today!